19941 января - 31 декабря

Boris Yeltsin. The Struggle for Russia

Yeltsin, B.N. The Struggle for Russia / Boris Yeltsin; transl. by A. Fitzpatrick; Originally published in Russian as Zapiski Presidenta (Notes of the President). – 1st ed. – [N.Y.]: Times Books, [1994]. – XIX, 316 p. + [6], ill.
ISBN 0–8129–2460–6

This book is Boris Yeltsin's journal. It was written, during the period of August 1991 until October 1993. Whenever possible, the translator and editors have added notes to indicate events that proceeded or followed those in Yeltsins own account. Because the book was conceived as a journal, the opinions and emotions of the moment have not been altered by the editors to take advantage of hindsight. In chapters 1, 7, and 9, some of the journal entries are dated by Yeltsin. Others have not been. Throughout, he offers some of his most personal thoughts under the heading After Midnight.

In a few places, Yeltsin himself has exercised the authors prerogative to amend his observations and place them in perspective. Clearly, The Struggle for Russia is not the last word on the events it describes. It is, however, a permanent record of a period of historic upheaval in Russia as seen by the man chosen by his people as their leader.

The Struggle for Russia in Russian: Ельцин Б.Н. Записки президента

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1 января 1994 г. - 31 декабря 1994 г.
Boris Yeltsin

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